Rey's Anik Anik ATBP

Rey's Anik Anik ATBP

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nirsoft's Dialupass - recovery of password from your dial up

I have recently caught into trouble when I manually reset our router knowing that I lost the password to our Internet Service Provider Account. Its really frustrating going to call the customer service and require you of so many documents and the bitter part is you have to pay.  Luckily I manage to check one of my old laptop and created a dial up for my internet connection. The only things left is to find a software utilities that can crack and recover the hidden password.

Nirsoft’s Dialupass – is a free tool that enumerates all the dial up  entries on your pc and displays in details including user name, password and domain. You can run the tool and save the list as text files and can copy the result to your clipboard.

Dialupass is a tiny download, less than 40KB and run as soon as you click. I tried it on my old laptops and viola I got all the details of my internet service provider account. It is a stand alone program and doesn’t modify the windows registry of your system.

Dial up internet connection may be on the way out but there still the standard of many parts and many broadband users maintain a dial up account as a back up for when their main connection is down. A tool like Dialupass which is totally free and totally easy to use can save your day.

That’s why I highly recommend to check the website Nirsoft – company information belonging to Nir Sofer – specialized in creating simple tools like this, and have manage to produce impressive collection of stand alone, effective tools that can help you solve many different task like a password recovery.  It is not surprising that it has received many awards and recognize by the IT words.